Evolution Of Programming.

In the world of programming, approaches are constantly evolving. Whenever computing needs cannot be addressed by languages of that era, a new language is needed. The complexity of these needs has increased over time. When computing was still in its infancy, machines had to be able to execute instructions somehow. During that time programmers stepped through the pain of keying in binary instructions manually, if the programming task was small. With the growing complexity of tasks and the lengthening of programs, a new programming language was needed to make writing programs easier. That's when Assembly language was invented , Instructions were written with small abbreviations instead of binary. Assembly language programs were very efficient, which made programming much easier. In the era of increased computing demand, assembly language was seen as very challenging to use. Many programming languages have been devised in order to meet this need, including FORTRAN , BASIC, and COBOL. However, these languages turned out to be suitable for specific domains, which led to the creation of new ones .

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